Monday, June 20, 2011

My beef

Beef = BFF = Jeremy. He calls me his beef and I love it! Jeremy is my little brother and we have a lot in common. For some reason I have a strange connection with this sibling. This week I am staying with my little brother because the rest of the fam is at Pioneer Trek. Let me just give you a little taste of what Jeremy is like: He is obsessed with guns, he talks your ears off (for example he really has talked non-stop all day and I was so glad when he told me he had to go to the bathroom because I would get a break- oh no I was wrong. The conversation continued while he was three rooms away taking a dump), he doesn't like to be dirty, he HATES practicing the piano, he wants to be just like my dad. This kid is one of a kind. Here are some of the funny pictures of him

Flag football- jeremy takes after his dad in that he doesn't really get the whole sports that use balls. He just likes to run around and chat with his teammates. He's not a big fan of actually catching the ball.

Haha his face is priceless in this one! I hope you can see it because its hilarious. (I so wish I could say that cute driver was me but it's not, it's our long lost sister Alex from The Netherlands)

Jeremy on halloween. I don't think he has ever actually walked to go trick or treating. He is always dressed up like someone that needs a horse as an accessory. Ie: zorro, indian, batman?? etc

Jeremy was caught lounging in the bathtub reading his horse magazine. bahaha!! He is so embarrassed by this picture.

This picture needs some explaining: My dad was doing some yard work and decided to cut down a tree. Jeremy was devastated and said that this tree was his favorite tree. (keep in mind that we seriously have at least 50 trees in our yard) so Jeremy decided that he loved this tree so much that he was going to keep it. He halled all of the branches into his room and they stayed there for quite some time. What did I tell you- he is one of a kind!

He kept trying to drag me downstairs so I finally went with him and he showed me this! He had pulled all of the guns out of the safe so he could tell me "These are worth all the money on the world to me Kate" Love him.

PS - I never finished Europe because I got distracted- but Paris was great!

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